SLAMCD589 Daniel Carter, David Haney & Hilliard Greene – Live Constructions

Daniel Carter, David Haney & Hilliard Greene - Live Constructions

Artist: Daniel Carter, David Haney & Hilliard Greene
Title: Live Constructions
Cat Number: SLAMCD589
Label, Year Released: SLAM Productions, 2018
Format: CD & all digital platforms
Barcode: 5028386707820


On 12th November 2017 the Daniel Carter/Hilliard Greene/David Haney trio met and performed for the first time; a debut performance preserved here on ‘Live Constructions’.

WKCR Radio based at Columbia University, New York, broadcasts a weekly Sunday evening show called ‘Live Constructions’ featuring live studio performances recorded specially for the show. The show focuses on new music, bringing together guests from the contemporary scene, often playing together for the first time.

David Haney writes: “I have found that some of the best music comes from first encounters. As per my usual style of collective improvisation – we don’t discuss what we are going to play. Just as you wouldn’t discuss what you are going to talk about, I see no need to talk about improvised music before or after it is performed. To me we are just talking.”

Daniel Carter: trumpet, tenor saxophone
Hilliard Greene: double bass
David Haney: piano

“The sounds of music-in-the-moment are here in abundance, and the fact that the music was captured originally for a radio broadcast lets us know the spirit of adventure is still out there. All three musicians are alert to what music can be when spontaneity is paramount, with the abstraction of Construction Number Two in particular notable for a quiet sense of tension and release which has nothing in the way of empty technical display. Throughout the elementary device of keeping the dynamics low draws the listener in, and there are rewards to be had from listening every bit as closely as the trio’s members do to each other.” – Nic Jones, Jazz Journal

“Live Constructions affirms that sparkling sonic adornments can be created modestly and with mostly dulcet tones…Live Constructions won’t frighten mainstreamers who shy away from so-called advanced improvisation. Yet hiding beneath its mostly placid surface are actually unconventional constructions which those familiar with the unorthodox can easily diagnose.” – Ken Waxman, JazzWord

“The trio, with over a hundred years of combined professional experience, prefer the adrenaline…and the music…that flows from spontaneous performances, which Haney compares to talking…While no doubt, all three musicians were familiar with each other’s previous recordings, WKCR does deserve a great deal of credit for taking chances of this type with its air time. Nonetheless, the results break through comfort zones and provide the energy of free improvisation that creates memorable jazz moments.” – Bill Donaldson, Cadence

All material spontaneously composed by Carter, Greene, Haney
Recorded live at WKCR Radio, Columbia University, New York City, NY on November 12, 2017
Mixed and mastered by David Haney in Portland, Oregon