SLAMCD2110 Bruce Coates, Barry Edwards, Ed Gauden & Trevor Lines – Locked

Bruce Coates, Barry Edwards, Ed Gauden & Trevor Lines - Locked

Artist: Bruce Coates, Barry Edwards, Ed Gauden & Trevor Lines
Title: Locked
Cat Number: SLAMCD2110
Label, Year Released: SLAM Productions, 2020
Format: CD & all digital platforms
Barcode: 5028386713623


Free jazz quartet made up of saxophonist Bruce Coates, guitarist Barry Edwards, bassist Trevor Lines and drummer Ed Gauden.

Recorded at The Hermon Chapel, which was originally a Welsh speaking chapel but is actually just on the English side of the border. Since 2009 the 19th century chapel has presented an ambitious and progressive programme as a successful arts centre.

Ed Gauden and Barry Edwards previously appeared on SLAM Productions ‘Hymn for Robots’ (SLAMCD2103) as members of UNschooLED, whilst Bruce Coates appeared with Paul Dunmall on ‘Six-in-One’ (SLAMCD2102).

Bruce Coates: soprano and tenor saxophone
Barry Edwards: guitar
Trevor Lines: bass
Ed Gauden: drums

“Out of left field comes this disc of eloquent free improvisation. During six intense tracks Coates, Lines, Edwards and Gauden prove that not all imposing players have migrated to the big city…the guitarist come into his own on “Locked On” as the bassist retreats to undulating plucks and the drummer maintains his self-effacing clatters and pops. Edwards then asserts himself just as Gauden adds maracas-like shakes and power ruffs and Coates builds his part out of slurs and squeals climbing from basement to skyscraper height with timbres that often sound as if they’re being forced through a metal plate placed against his horn’s bell. All this is in response to pointed frails and shrill plucks on high-pitched strings from Edwards so that the conclusion is as jagged as it is judicious…While none of the four players is a household name – even in the UK improvisational community – on evidence of this CD alone, all deserve to be better known.” – Ken Waxman, JazzWord

“Coates gives a rich aria on soprano for “Locked Jaw” and trudges with the team on “Locked Down” with his pitch in the high octane level with Gauden driving things loosely on the flailing “Locked Up”. Edwards’ guitar is angular for “Locked On” creating effects with Coates’ tenor for “Locked Out” and the team stretching out for all kinds of exotic moods on the 21 minute “Locked In”. Intuitive concepts.” – George W. Harris, Jazz Weekly

“Thanks to Paul Dunmall and labels like Slam, the UK underground avant/jazz scene continues to be documented for those who still care about creative music. Coates can be heard on nearly 10 discs with Dunmall, as well as a few other more obscure characters like Han-Earl Park. Edwards and Gauden are also members of the Crux Trio, as well as having a few out on the FMR label…For “Locked Out”, all four members of the quartet, working well together, listening, reacting and building quite nicely. Edwards rubs the strings softly with an object, tapping on the strings carefully, nearly getting noisy at times while the skeletal drums, sombre bowed bass and slightly bent Lol Coxhill-like soprano sax float on top. It takes a while but I can hear how well the sax and guitar work well together, creating similar sonic textures which are tightly interwoven as they evolve higher and further out. Another win for the Slam label.” – Bruce Lee Gallanter, Downtown Music Gallery

Recorded live at The Hermon Chapel, Oswestry, 18 April 2019
Recorded by Olly Irwin and Will Gauden
Mixed and mastered by Otto Willberg