SLAMCD2103 UNschooLED – Hymns for Robots

UNschooLED - Hymns for Robots

Artist: UNschooLED
Title: Hymns for Robots
Cat Number: SLAMCD2103
Label, Year Released: SLAM Productions, 2016
Format: CD & all digital platforms
Barcode: 5028386620020


The three members of free jazz trio UNschooLED – saxophonist Mark Hanslip, guitarist Barry Edwards and drummer Ed Gauden – studied at the Birmingham Conservatoire and were drawn together by their common musical preferences.

Ed Gauden was the main ‘instigator’ but the trio did not have a ‘leader’ as such, working as a sort of mini collective creating their own brand of collective improvisation. Ed says: “This music is the result of us just getting together and playing, nothing was said before we played and little after.”

Mark Hanslip: tenor saxophonist
Barry Edwards: guitar
Ed Gauden: drums

“A trio with guitar makes for an attractive free jazz combination – especially because while I expected a distortion-laden sound, Edward’s is surprisingly close to Jim Hall’s. The result is some seriously heavy free jazz, offered with a certain delicacy.” – Andy Hamilton, Jazz Journal

“Hymns for Robots confirms that, just as in other media, a country’s largest population centres don’t have a monopoly on its most accomplished artists…high-energy program…captures three disparate musical personalities blending into one…Cycling through tunes that meld reductionist ambling with splashes of Energy Music, folksy asides and technical exuberance, the trio demonstrates its story telling facilities.” – Ken Waxman, JazzWord

“UNscooLED, an ex-Birmingham Conservatoire trio of ex-LOOP/Outhouse saxophonist Mark Hanslip, guitarist Barry Edwards and drummer Ed Gauden, perform an intuitive brand of free improv, with the spirit of collective extemporisation.” – Selwyn Harris, Jazzwise

“A VI part free flying album. The “Parts” include guitar ruminations with crying tenors on “I”, sound affects through the mouthpiece with drum concepts on “II”, fuzzy guitar effects and growling on ” V” and a lesson on paradiddles on “III”.” – George W. Harris, Jazz Weekly

Composed by Hanslip/Edwards/Gauden
Recorded at Oak Farm Pop Up Studio, Ditton Priors on 16th August 2015
Recorded by Olly Irwin
Mixed and mastered by Troglodyte