SLAMCD561 Paolo Porta – Beginner’s State of Mind

Paolo Porta - Beginner’s State of Mind

Artist: Paolo Porta
Title: Beginner’s State of Mind
Cat Number: SLAMCD561
Year released: 2015
Format: CD & all digital platforms
Barcode: 5028386628422


The Paolo Porta Trio – saxophonist Paolo Porta, bassist Alessandro Maiorino and drummer Alessandro Minetto – have worked together for over 20 years, ‘Beginner’s State of Mind’ marks their first release on SLAM Productions and it fits well into SLAM‘s policy of preserving important developments in contemporary jazz.

When musicians have opportunity to work together over longer periods the group perception and commonality of ideas is evident in the music; Porta’s trio is no exception. The trio represents something different among the modern jazz Italian community. These three authentic musicians with a past studded with important collaborations, show strong foundations in the jazz idiom and a deep knowledge of the tradition of this essential format, while living in the present and leaping over the boundaries of genres.

Instead of the soloist-backed-by-the-rhythm-section type of hierarchy, everyone plays an equal role and each one’s individual ideas are mutually elaborated to convey a coherent sound. The trio’s music flows in a dynamic synthesis of rhythms, lines and textures, in an intense, outright, impressive balance of composition and improvisation.

Paolo Porta: tenor saxophone
Alessandro Maiorino: bass
Alessandro Minetto: drums

“A good almost old-fashioned bop recording out of the 60s…Porta has a big sound without a lot of vibrato and he uses it effectively with his simple straightforward melodies and good solid solos… Maiorino has a big, solid sound which comes through everything, and Minetto keeps things cooking in something approaching a Blakey style…There are no surprises here. A good, solid performance by an accomplished trio who play well together.” – Bernie Koenig, Cadence

“Still releasing exciting and explorative music, Slam Records exhibits freedom of musical expression like few other labels. Paolo Porta leads the usually fiendishly difficult tenor sax trio with aplomb and style. He’s got a warm and furry tone, and uses it to his melodious…There’s a nimble bop feel on pieces such as “Freedom of Speech” and two Alessandros provide a nice foundation on “November.” The team gets a bit angular, but they stay coherent and cohesive on “Soulful Drums” and glow like fireflies on the ballad “That’ll Do.” Porta delivers a bel canto aria on the intro to “Round Trip” and the team slips into a rich groove on “Raincoat Blues.” Can’t say enough about this one!” – George W. Harris, Jazz Weekly

“The trio works well together, bass and drum keep the themes buoyed and at the same time have their own conversation. There are times Porta reminds me of Frank Lowe, he is quite lyrical in his compositions, at times almost sounding like folk lullabies. A calming jazz postbop outing.” – Robert Rusch, Cadence

“While the forms are rooted in traditional jazz song format, the harmonic and melodic approaches are quite original. The fresh and sometimes unconventional melodies set the context for a variety of improvisational approaches that include unexpected twists and occasionally a whimsical quality…an excellent collaborative effort by veteran musicians who are dedicated to their craft.”-

“The album is entirely lyrical and Porta has a voice that is mostly sugar with a little acidic edge…Minetto’s drumming is particularly finely tinged and shaded, especially at the cymbals and offers an invigorating though fastidious counterpoint to Maiorino’s tight bass lines. The trio work closely together, their characters reciprocally balanced, so as to express an eloquently articulated soundscape.” – Ken Cheetham, Jazz Views

“Splendid trio…”Peace Keeping” gives you a wonderful sax intro from Alessandro’s tenor, then right after the one minute mark, the energy from the other players kicks in. My personal favourite of the ten tunes offered up is the down & funky “Round Trip”…these folks know how to wrap you up in their solid grooves and keep you there.” – Rotcod Zzaj, Improvijazzation Nation

Recorded June 22-23, 2013 at Only Music Studio, Bruino, Italy
Recorded, mixed and mastered by Carlo Miori