SLAMCD210 The Invisible String Quartet – Entomic

Artist: The Invisible String Quartet
Title: Entomic
Cat Number: SLAMCD210
Year released: 1995
Format: CD & all digital platforms
Barcode: 5028386021025

A solo live performance from Dave Draper recorded at The Pantry, London, 21 – 25 Oct 1994.

Dave Draper: guitar, prepared guitar, electronics, digital delays/samplers

“A compelling release.” – Chris Blackford, Rubberneck

“Total guitar folded in on itself and delicately placed in your speakers. Live with no overdubs or samples The Invisible String Quartet build up deep throbs into electronic chicada noise. It’s no dronefest though. Lovers of melody can goof off on the almost funky ‘Lagos Holiday’. File under perfect animation music – because normal rules don’t apply.” – JM

“Having seen Dave Draper’s mythical invisible String Quartet at Electronica, I was certainly eager to hear what his CD was like! I’ve always been fascinated with guitars and devices, and what Dave Draper did was quite extraordinary. So, would the CD be as radical? Yes, and some! Scarcely on some pieces would you even realise this is guitar music, as all manner of rotating and cycling sounds, juddering and scuttling around, add up to make something closer to electroacoustic music. Some of this is quite different to what I heard him do live though, like Traffic Jam which feels more like Hans Reichel caught up in a melange of looping patterns, and then there’s the expansive and confused textures of the 16 minute Marsh Ague. From the realms of Robert Fripp, through the most radical experiments of Fred Frith, Dave Draper offers a startling melange of melodic textures, abstract rhythm and dissonance.” – Alan Freeman, Audion