SLAMCD525 Free Dot (Antonio Cotardo & Paolo Pacciolla) – Ariband

Artist: Free Dot (Antonio Cotardo & Paolo Pacciolla)
Title: Ariband
Cat Number: SLAMCD525 
Year released: 2010
Format: CD & all digital platforms
Barcode: 5028386052524


The Italian duo of flautist Antonio Cotardo and percussionist Paolo Pacciolla – known as Free Dot – describe their music as “free from definitions of pre-established limits in which jazz, Indian and Persian music converge creating an original sound”.

The musical compositions and performances are always different in shapes, from instruments of various traditions played freely according to the expressive necessities of the two musicians. The dialogue between Cotardo and Pacciolla creates situations and scenes that are always changing. They alternate moments of lyrical and introspective character to periods that are extremely rhythmical.

Antonio Cotardo: flutes, bells
Paolo Pacciolla: daire, jembak, mbira, voice, bells

“Cotardo’s flute is certainly the focal point throughout, at least in terms of melody, with the reverie, “Preludio” and the concluding comments of “Suono Liberio” serving as an example of his engaging work. Pacciolla is equally impressive when utilising his wealth of percussive sounds, such as when his mbira and vocals are the crux of “Mirab” and “Ariband,” while the aptly titled “Jembak” is a fine feature for Pacciolla’s work on the drum, though “Strange” is simply mesmerising thanks to Pacciolla’s forceful drumming. Overall, the strong improvisational perspectives within these softened realms is a success.” – Cadence

“The flute is clear and well played – not quite classical and not quite jazz but not light or forgettable…Pacciolla’s frame drumming – lap style, hand held, bendir, daire – is well done and complimented by his mbira (kalimba), brushes, other percussion, and voice throughout. This is the kind of world music that lovers of Codona and Hadouk will gravitate to – again and again. The music has a strong organic feel with the production more natural allowing for the variety of flutes and percussion to sound well but never larger than life the way some modern recordings tend to accentuate…Free Dot – something well worth investing the energy to discover.” – Scott Robinson, North American Frame Drum Association News

“This is a splendid, well-balanced recording of mostly flutes and hand percussion or thumb piano…At times Paolo sounds as if he is playing thin sticks or rustling leaves giving the duo a most enchanting, sublime afterglow. Antonio over-dubs another flute or two thus adding an eerie, ghostlike vibe to their sound. The persistent use of bells sounds like chimes being moved by the wind, thus also adding a dream-like quality. One of the great things about this disc and duo is that Paolo often plays his percussion in a most melodic way, the way a great tabla player also assumes more than just the rhythmic role when he or she solos. Free Dot are one of the most enchanting duos I’ve heard in a long while, occasionally soothing yet consistently mesmerising.” – Bruce Lee Gallanter, Downtown Music Gallery

Recorded at the base of the cultural association, Sutra Arti Perfomative, Lizzanello, Italy during February and March 2009.
Recorded and mixed by Paolo Pacciolla and Antonio Cotard.